9.Mother’s unexpected Boon

On the long way to Pratisthan
You my Mother came to this place.
I could hail You with delight
And offer flowers in Your Hands.
You my benign Mother smiled sweetly.

Sitting down before You, I saw
Your ravishing divine Lotus Feet.
I liked to put them in my heart.
Astonishingly You were intangible.
I was without any single desire,
I did not dare think and ask for anything.

Suddenly out of all expectations, surprisingly
You my Mother called me, looked at me
And said affably this simple words
“Rub My feet”.

Stupefied, I was a while without reaction.
It was a blessing above all power of imagination,
A cleansing and purification without equal.

All outdated lingerings blotted out,
All my own imaginations which projected
A false unreal image of the reality,
All my misbehaviours of the past vanished.

And You filled up the new arisen space
With sublime energetic living light.

Again and again “these words”
Pronounced by Your Grace, my loving Mother,
Fortunately kept coming back, continually,
Overwhelming my oversensitive heart
With Your all pervading presence.

Your most deep love my Mother,
Your most real love is here in me.

How can I express my most profound love?
How can I utter my deepest gratefulness?
How can I declare my veritable gratitude?
How can I pronounce my noble feelings?

Which library is equipped with the knowledge
To give me the elucidating books?
Where can I find the illuminating words, to
Glorify Your divine eminence? Nowhere!

A real new dimension disclosed itself,
Transferred me from Your realm on this earth
To Your supreme realm above this earth,
Into the heaven of heavens.
Where reigns the Living Light all by itself.

009 – Belapur India: 25-02-2000 – Rev. 12-03-2001.

N 411 – The Dove

N 702 – Eternal Bliss and Awareness

N 325 – Golden Rain