11.Surrender To Mother

And when Mother asked:
“What about your ego?”

Mother, You brought it in balance.
All my troubles from the right,
Planning, thinking, faded away and
Are now controlled by Your Divine presence.

And when Mother asked:
“What about your super ego?”

Mother, You brought it to reality.
All my troubles from the left,
The past, all sorts of happenings vanished and
Are now controlled by Your Divine presence.

And when Mother gently asked:
“How do you feel now?”

Voluntarily Mother, I surrendered myself
Deliberately to Your high protection.
Your wisdom now appoints my destiny,
Your immense love transforms me,
Your humble love gives me trust,
Your deep love gives me faith.

And when Mother blesses you:
Then you are in complete freedom,
Then inner peace gives happiness,
Then you feel the Divine presence.

Mother’s grace is boundless.
Mother’s mercy is illimitable.
Mother’s power is immeasurable.
Mother’s glory is ineffable.
Mother’s splendour is indescribable.
Mother’s love is indefinable.
Mother’s knowledge is infinite.

And how can you delight Mother?

By thanking Mother with your love,
By worshipping Mother with your heart,
By praising Mother most friendly,
By pleasing Mother most heartily.

And by saying in all sincerity:

“I am in You,
I am Yours.”

011 – Belapur, India: 30-3-2000 – Rev. 22-3-2001.

N 245 – The Choice

N 113 – Loving Hands