42.Mother’s Praise

It happened and it was inconceivable.
No welling up in my non reacting heart.
It made me feel dejected and desperate,
My path of life became suddenly, senseless.

But an invited noble glimpse of yours
Felt on my smouldering awareness
And awoke, prickled my sensitivity.
You reached your hand helpfully,
I grasped your hand thankfully.

I brought without knowing,
Both hands towards you,
Without thinking, and without asking.

But you, the real and only one,
Were already there, first.
Your honest, tangible presence
Gave me peaceable confidence.

I had not yet expressed lovingness 
But your heart was there, first.

I had not yet expressed gracefulness
But your grace was there, first.

I had not yet expressed praiseworthiness 
But you already praised, first.

I had not yet expressed heartiness
But your love was already there, first.

I had not yet expressed thirstiness
But you were there to quench, first.

I had not yet expressed laudableness
But already voices from heaven came, first.

I had not yet expressed humbleness
But you, the most humble appeared, first.

I had not yet expressed my hungriness
But you fed me before anyone, first.

I had not yet expressed freehandedness
But you came with full hands, first.

I had not yet expressed forgiveness
But you forgave explicitly, first.

I had not yet expressed pleasingness
But you pleased always, first.

I had not expressed obligingness
But you showed the way, first.

I had not yet expressed devotedness
But you were my example, first.

I had not yet expressed loftiness
But the most lofty were you, first.

I had not yet expressed gentleness
But the most gentle were you, first.

I had not yet expressed mildness
But the mildest were you, first.

I had not yet expressed liveliness
But you were the most lively, first.

I had not yet expressed mercifulness
But your mercy was unending, first.

I had not yet expressed lovableness
But you were the most lovable, first.

I had not yet expressed loveliness
But you were the most lovely, first.

I had not yet expressed thoughtlessness,
But Mother said confidently,
Uttermost tactfully,
“Adore and pray respectfully
To God, The Almighty,
Who grants blissfully
The path heavenward.”

042 – Orroir, Belgium 27-06-2001.

N 415 – The Prayer Meeting

N 419 – Driving Power

N 111 – Dharma