3.To the Lord

Thank You oh Lord,
Who took birth on this earth
For our welfare and evolution.

Thank You oh Lord,
For giving us resurrection and realisation
And taking us out of our illusions.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who taught us incessantly to come
Out of darkness and ignorance.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who showed the correct way
To a dharmic life and right conduct.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who taught us how to discover the
Difference between human and Divine love.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who taught us how to become collective
And develop the quality of respect.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who led and showed the centre path
Of humility between right and wrong.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who, in spite of imperfections from our side,
Took Your abode in our heart.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who gave us the real proof
That You eternally exist in everything.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who covered all of us with Your Divine
Cloak of love, charity and compassion.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who gave us the occasion and opportunity
To see and serve Your Lotus Feet.

Thank You oh Lord,
For this complete and total transformation,
Inner freedom and peace.

Thank You oh Lord,
Who made us capable of spreading the
Divine message of Your victory and glory.

Thank You oh Lord,
Again and again.

003 – Belapur, India 1-12-1999 – Rev. 14-3-2001.

N 247 – The Preceptor

N 201 – Dedication